Is Google making us Stupid?
After reading Nicholas Carr’s article, Is Google Making Us Stupid?” I understood immediately that he was trying to communicate to his viewers that the internet is begging to become our primary source to attain information. Which is affecting our ability to read, understand books. However, that does not mean the internet is not a bad or invalid source but it is causing our brains learning experience to decline and to be altered. One thing that stood out to me while reading the article is when Mr. Carr started talking about how he cant focus on reading. He says that the information on the internet was intended to make our ability to explore fast and profitable. However, that is not all true because he says that it’s really for other people to make money and in the process, our critical thinking skills and attention spans deteriorating due to overloads of information, biased opinions, and pop-ups. Another thing that was mentioned is that the idea of considering the mind as a computer is really a negative aspect of deep reading and intellectual stimulation that it gives our brains. Also in the article Carr talks about Nietzsche’s typewriter and how it changed the way he writes and helps with forming his thoughts. Before using the typewriter he experienced poor vision, a decline in attention span, and headaches. From this story, we can see that the typewriter helped Mr. Nietzsche and improved the quality of his work. Causing him to improve as a writer overall. Next is the clock, and Carr references sociologist Daniel Bell who talks about the use of our intellectual technologies and how over time we tend to take the qualities of the technologies. The clock is an example of this because through time the clock has changed and within that change, something was taken away from which is our senses. In other words, the clock tells us when to eat, when to go to work, when to leave, etc. This causes people to forget about their senses and to perform exactly like it, always on the go. With that said the internet doesn’t make it any better. In the past, the clock was a separate device but now it is apart of the internet including, our calculators, Tv, radio, typewriter, printing press, and so on.
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