Examples of personal website
Examples of personal website
Ian Enders
- Likes talking about himself
Hard to understand purpose of the website
- Informal approach
Confidence in himself
Straight to the point
- Too simple
- However I do like the sub links that he provides that takes you to the information that he is talking about.
Kimberly Horton
- Express her personality very well
- Asking a question before discussing the selected information
- Easy to read text
- Clean and concise
- I don't like the header she chose and that she places her name over the background image. It looks to busy when comparing it to the flow, layout, and navigations choices
- I don't think I would put my social media timeline on my website. Maybe just the icon that takes you to the home screen of the specific site.
- Within my website I will probably use bold and italics for different things just like her.
Mallory Gardner
- Home page is presentable and her background image compliments the website
- I wouldn't use her font style because I think it doesn't work for my brand.
- I don't like the blue text on her about page
- I like the slide show of images that she uses. I feel like that is a great way to keep the viewer engaged and wanting to know about her.
- To much white space
Anthony Wiktor
- Smooth Transitions
- Engaging
- clean and concise
- This is the feel that I want for my website
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